Fundraising Updates
100% of target reached!
Fundraising complete! Larkhall Athletic has reached 100% of the target!
75% of target reached!
Almost there! Larkhall Athletic has reached 75% of the target!
50% of target reached!
At the half way mark! Larkhall Athletic has reached 50% of the target!
25% of target reached!
Making great progress, Larkhall Athletic has reached 25% of the target!
First donation made!
Larkhall Athletic has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Fundraising started!
Larkhall Athletic launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!
Supporters (49 people)
Mark Burge
Mark Burge
A great team effort
3 months ago
£565 + £141.25 Gift Aid
Mark Burge
Mark Burge
Great effort on the cake stall and 5km run , girls
5 months ago
£567.80 + £141.95 Gift Aid
£40 + £10 Gift Aid
Steven Burge
Steven Burge
There’s only one Grace Burge! There’s only one Grace Burge!! Walking along… singing a song Walking in Grace Burge wonderland. From Uncle Steve & Auntie Anne
5 months ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Heidi Hughes
Heidi Hughes
I'm thrilled to be able to help! Well done all on impressive running this morning!
5 months ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid